Introducing The Moments Journal – my first physical product!

I am very excited to introduce you to The Moments Journal – my first ever physical product. I have created it to help people feel more positive and enjoy the special moments in their day.


During a difficult time earlier this year I found myself struggling to appreciate life and everything I am lucky to have. I found myself feeling less anxious, more optimistic and more grateful for what I have when I took the time to actively notice, reflect on and appreciate the good things that happen to me and others each day.

In my work with Good News Shared, I am lucky to be in contact with inspirational people who make a real difference to the world. Many of them have faced tough situations in their lives and yet still manage to find the strength to be positive and help others. They have shown me that everyone experiences good and bad times in their life- it’s their attitude when responding to them that matters.

After reading studies and research into happiness, gratitude, kindness and more, I began asking myself six specific questions every night. Finding this routine useful, I realised that it could help other people too. And so I decided to create my first ever physical product -The Moments Journal.

The Moments Journal is a guided journal, with six carefully chosen, research-backed questions for you to answer every day. Three uplifting, charitable, real-life stories are included in the journal, along with some inspiring quotes to give an extra positivity boost.


Printed in the UK on FSC-certified paper, all proceeds from The Moments Journal will be reinvested into Good News Shared, so by buying a copy not only will you be boosting your well-being, you will also be helping more positive charitable stories from around the world receive the attention they deserve.

Click here to buy your copy today and start 2017 in a positive way 🙂


The Launch Of The Influence Expert

The Launch Of The Influence Expert

Guest post by Alex Swallow

Thanks to Nisha for the opportunity to write here.

The Influence Expert, my new business- has just launched and I thought the readers of Nisha’s blog would be interested.

So, what is the business about?

The Influence Expert is a site that will help show you how to grow your influence to increase your impact.

The Launch Of The Influence Expert

The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority

– Ken Blanchard

Are there things in your life, or in the world that you wish you could have an impact on?

How about things like:

  • getting a promotion at work
  • feeling that the message you want to share with the world is being heard by the right people
  • making a difference to a cause that really matters to you
  • being respected by your peers
  • being a thought leader in your field
  • having the opportunity to make speeches in front of hundreds of people
  • or many other areas that might be important to you?

If you look around you at powerful people, what they share is influence. Some will have influence simply because they are rich or because they hold a certain high public office, but those people are few and far between.

Most influential people are influential because they have built their brand over time, others know what they stand for and they go after their goals with a laser focus.

In the modern world we all have the opportunity- greater than ever before in human history- to connect with other people and share our message. This is partly because of the amazing online world. But it is also because of the opportunities we have to travel, to trade and to learn from people from all the corners of the globe.

This new environment should be a great leveller.

Often it isn’t, because people don’t know how to grow their influence. So, a few people still get most of the opportunities.

If you want to grow your influence, I am going to show you how to do it- and help you build your influence to increase your impact.

I want you to know that I haven’t always had influence myself, or understood the topic very well.

A few years ago my career wasn’t going in the direction I wanted it to and I wasn’t making the progress I craved. I was ambitious but I felt like I was wasting my time and that I couldn’t take the right steps forward.

I’m sure that you have felt that too sometimes.

Perhaps you have been passed over when the senior role came up that you really wanted? Or maybe you feel that with a bit of guidance and added impetus, you could just achieve a whole lot more?

What stopped me from quitting when things weren’t working out for me, was that I had caught glimpses, at different times in my life, of the magic that happened when I focused my efforts in the right areas. I began to think more strategically about how to grow my own influence.

Putting my theories into practice, I went from being in a junior role at one charity to becoming the Chief Executive of another. I went from not even being invited to networking events to being invited to make keynote speeches, judge national awards and run high-level masterclass training. As I met more and more people at a senior level I began to recognize some of the traits and habits that made the best of the best stand out from the rest. They all involved being able to understand, grow and use influence effectively.

Now, I want to share some of these secrets with you and I have devoted myself to increasing my knowledge of the subject of influence.

The core to my work is a model I’ve put together, which is exclusive to The Influence Expert.

It is called the LEAPS model:

L- Likeability

E- Expertise

A- Authenticity

P- Personal Brand

S- Synthesis

If you sign up to my website, (there is a free contest for the first 100 people!) I look forward to telling you much more about the model in the coming months and to sharing many other tips and insights that will help you.

He who influences the thought of his times influences the times that follow
– Elbert Hubbard

If you go to the About page of my new site, you can learn much more about who I am and what I am trying to achieve.

As well as being an influencer I am inspired by many influencers myself. This article introduces you to some of them, they are all well worth looking up.

If you would like support to grow your own influence in greater depth I offer consultancy and am putting together a range of products which I am sure will help you.

Meet Edgar

Meet Edgar

I love social media. Especially Twitter. I don’t spend all day on it – even though I easily could – because I know I need to get other things done, and because I have come across an awesome tool.

When I started Good News Shared a lot of my time was spent on social media, either looking for great stories or sharing our stories. I had been using Hootsuite to schedule my posts, but found it so time-consuming to add new posts every week. I knew that I needed to find a way to free up some of my time, so when I heard about Edgar I was excited and curious.

Meet Edgar

Edgar is a social media automation and scheduling tool. Thanks to Edgar I now save several hours each week as I do not need to regularly create schedules. Also, I no longer need to go on Twitter every day, as Edgar will automatically keep posting my content for me. Even if I never add any new content to Edgar ever again, it will still keep posting my content for me as unlike other tools Edgar keeps all of your updates in a library which it shares on a rotating basis.

Meet Edgar

I do go on Twitter pretty much every day, but now I go on to chat with people or to read and share other peoples content.

My library in Edgar has over 900 posts…

Initially I was really reluctant to sign up to Edgar, which costs $49 per month. It seemed really expensive, especially when I could use Hootsuite for free. Eventually I decided to see if it is as good as it sounded, mainly because I knew I could cancel it if it wasn’t worth it. The set up takes a while as you have to put all your content into Edgar, but once you have you don’t have to worry about putting that content in ever again as Edgar has it saved in your library. The amount of time Edgar saves me makes the financial cost worth it in my opinion. I currently have 955 posts in my library. With such a massive amount I know there is no way I would be sharing my evergreen content as well as I currently do without Edgar.

Also, having recently started working freelance as a social media manager I am now able to use Edgar for my clients’ accounts too, as it is possible to have up to 10 accounts on the individual plan.

Find out more about Edgar to see if he’s the social media tool for you here.

An Award for Effie ….

Life with the Ex-Batts

We are immensely proud to announce that Miss Effie Chicken of Rosewarne has been awarded The Amazing Animal of the Month Award by Good News Shared. She was nominated by the lovely people at Compassion in World Farming, who after reading Effie’s tale fell in love with her. And who wouldn’t!

Effie is an amazing ambassador for ex-battery hens and her story has inspired many lovely people to rehome their own ex-batts. She has shown what big hearts and huge personalities hens have and every person that realises this and has their own hens or stops eating chicken or only uses free range eggs is a victory in the battle against intensive farming.

This award means her story will reach a whole new audience so I would ask you to share the following link as far and wide as you can, so that Effie’s work to help her caged sisters…

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Charity Cafe Directory

Charity Cafe Directory

Do you enjoy going for a coffee? Did you know you can enjoy going for a coffee AND help other people at the same time?

You can do this by visiting a charity cafe – here’s a directory I have put together to help you get started:

This directory will be updated regularly, so please do check it out from time to time to see which other cafes have been added!

I’d love to hear about any charity cafes in your area – please let me know about them by leaving a comment below 🙂

Alex Swallow

An Interview With Alex Swallow

Alex Swallow is Programme Director of the Charity Leaders’ Exchange, Founder of Young Charity Trustees and Assistant Editor of Good News Shared. He’s also my husband- regular readers of Good News Shared might have noticed that we got married earlier this year- we actually met while working for a charity ourselves. He’s just launched his first website, today, so I decided to interview him.

1- Could you tell us a bit about how you ended up working for the charity sector?

Like many people who end up in the charity sector, my involvement was a bit of an accident. I studied politics at Uni, then helped run a voluntary Programme in Romania; worked in Japan for two years; came back and got a Masters; worked as a political intern and a private tutor before I finally saw a job working for a small charity that caught my eye. That was about five years ago and I’ve been in and around the sector ever since: there’s a lot of it to explore!

2- Why have you decided to launch a website?

I’ve launched for three main reasons. First, I wanted to have my own online space, distinct from social media platforms, where I can explain what I do and what I’m about. Second, I wanted to have a platform to help share the causes that I care about (including Good News Shared) with others. Finally, I wanted to have the flexibility in the future to work from anywhere and to continue to get involved with a range of exciting things as I do now, so starting a website seemed like a good step.

3- What causes are you hoping to support through the website?

As well as Good News Shared, I am hoping to promote Young Charity Trustees- which promotes Board Diversity for charities, Charityworks- which introduces bright graduates into the charity sector, Charity Careers- which tries to help people who want a career in the charity sector, (or people already in the sector who want to further their ambitions) and many other things I am involved with besides. One of my greatest pleasures is telling people about good organisations that they haven’t heard about and connecting people up who will be able to help each other.

4- How can people get involved?

If people go to they can sign up for emails to get my latest blog posts and other information. Or of course they can contact me about the individual causes I support, so if for example they are a young person and interested in Trusteeship they can talk to me.

I’ll also be promoting some volunteering opportunities on the site, both for work with me and with a range of other individuals and organisations.

Thanks for the opportunity to tell people about the website (hope they like it!) and a little bit about who I am and what I’m up to.

Global Entrepreneurship Week

Yesterday I attended the Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) launch event in London, hoping to pick up some tips and inspiration for Good News Shared.

Global Entrepreneurship Week is the world’s largest campaign to promote entrepreneurship. Initially started in the UK, the campaign now takes place simultaneously in 150 countries. 2370 events will be taking place for Global Entrepreneurship Week this year in the UK alone.

The launch event in London, hosted by Reuben Christian, began with a talk by Vince Cable, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills.

Global Entrepreneurship Week event

I have written about the take-home messages I left with over on the Good News Shared blog – please check it out:

Have you attended a Global Entrepreneurship Week event? Please share any tips and lessons you learn with me in the comments section below!